This app is a note on menu bar of Mac.

What do you do when you want to store a text for a moment that you don’t mind losing later? In this case, Mizuame may assist you.

However, this app is NOT a high performance note app so that you should use other better apps to save your important data.

Pros and Cons


NOT Good


App Store


You should “git clone” from
And then build by Xcode.

You need Xcode for build.
Check “Apple developer” website for Xode.

What is “Mizuame”?

This is a mucilaginous candy called Mizuame in Japan.
In Japanese kanji, it is written as 水飴.
Mizuame is eaten as sweets and also widely used as an ingredient in cooking. Mizuame is very, very sweet and delicious.

Recent Mizuame

New Release. Mizuame v1.2.3

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New Release. Mizuame V1.2.2

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New Release. Mizuame V1.2.1

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New Release. Mizuame V1.2.0

New Release. Mizuame V1.1.3

New Release. Mizuame V1.1.1

Mizuame v1.1.0

All Mizuame